Inbound Call Transfers & Upsells

Over the last 13 years ACQUIS has launched over 2,000 call transfer partnerships - more than any firm in the entire world! Best of all, we can partner you with call centers where the consumer is making a credit card purchase! 

Small tactical enhancements by ACQUIS often mean the difference between a failed test ... and a large turnkey program that delivers hundreds of thousands enrolls year after year. Ask about our no risk test for new clients.  

Advantage  ACQUIS

Online & Mobile 

There are an infinite number of online promotional opportunities you can leverage. ACQUIS online partnerships provide the following advantage: your offer presented to millions of consumers making online purchases -- with credit card in hand!          

ACQUIS Delivers For You

Pay for Performance Radio and TV 

If you listened to the radio on the way to the office, you've probably heard at least one of ACQUIS clients' ads. Let ACQUIS help your products  receive tens of millions of impressions on the leading networks --  without spending a single cent out of pocket.  

Daily Deals eMail Promotions 

ACQUIS is also a Publisher! We deliver 25 million monthly impressions via our daily deals newsletters, which reach highly responsive opt-in consumers.Because we own the media, we pass on the cost advantages to our clients!